
Simply Loved

It's Mother's Day! I feel like I have been given the greatest four gifts on earth, of course...as most Mother's do feel that way about their babies. I guess most would also think, I was given two different types of blessings because I have adopted twice. Ya see, one other Moma had to give up her baby so that I could be blessed with my KateLin. With Caragan, her Moma died of eye cancer and she lost her life so that I might have her precious daughter. These two blessings weren't born of my womb, but of my heart. To me, although they came to live in my love in a different fashion, they are no less my very own. My sons are flesh of my flesh. I tell each of them that my love grew from Logan. He taught me about what it was like to care for and love another human being, because I loved him so much, I wanted to love another...my Christian. Because I was blessed times two with boys, I wanted a precious little girl. KateLin's orphanage visit yielded yet another blessing that took us back to China for our Caragan. I watch them and I am amaZed at the blessings that have been poured out upon me. I see how each of them act silly and crazy, like me...truly love life and laughter. I giggled as KateLin playing air guitar during praise and worship this morning at church and as she sang into her sucker microphone. This is my child...she knows how to have fun and I hope she will always have that zest for a very happy, happy life.

Yesterday, I took my two oldest, Logan and Caragan to the movies and shopping at the mall. We watched Prom, although not without resistance from Logan. LOL. At the end of the movie, Logan announced loudly, I am sooo glad that that torture is over. The girls in front of us, just kackled at my crazy boy that really has my sense of humor. Caragan and I had a few moments yesterday where I had the opportunity to remind her that I was so glad that she wanted to be adopted, even though she had biological family still in China. I reminded her that she is loved unconditionally and that I am so blessed to have her in my life. The radio was talking about Mother's Day and what spawned the conversation was that they asked how much you loved your Moma....she said "LOTs". I smiled with tears in my eyes. Christian lavished me with an early gift that he bought all on his own last week at the Relay for Life event. He bought me a vase of flowers. He is my thoughtful child. They all are, but this child has such compassion and such a heart for other's that his sweetness really amazes me. All these little things, make me feel...to put it simply...loved. I am a better person, because these four kiddos are in my life...that I am allowed to love them, and raise them.

As they woke me up this morning and crowded in my bedroom and spent ten priceless minutes with me...I kept thinking...can I freeze this moment? Can I hold it in my head even though I know it's fleeting? I kissed them all, opened my presents.....but the greatest gift of all was just having them close, healthy, at home and that I felt their love. I got some cool cards and presents, some store bought and some homemade....the most precious gift I have ever been given though were these four little souls that I get to adore, love and cherish...all my life.

I can't post this without mentioning the lady that made all this happen...My MOMMY! She was the one that loved me and showed me how. She was the perfect example of compassion, kindness, caring...and affection. She blessed me by loving me selflessly and unconditionally. I love me some ELAINE RHYNE. :)

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