
Just Breathe ~! Ahhhhhh!

I think the hardest part of the human psyche is training ourselves to think about all the positive in our lives instead of all the negative we have had to endure. I haven't had a bad life....I know this, so maybe I can't really say how I'd feel if I had had to deal with lots of tragic loss of life, or even property. I do know that thinking positive is a choice. We can change our attitude by a simple...I am gonna make myself believe that there is good in every bad situation. Like it or not, our experiences mold us. They change us...sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse. Growth isn't really optional...it just happens. If I think about the good changes rather than the bad, suddenly a bad situation doesn't cause me to have a bad day, week or ever year. I can be happy even if it's only a lil happiness amongst the pain.

I'm really frustrated today. I have had a bad day, so blogging is like therapy for me. I don't get it!! People that think about and dwell on all the bad day in and day out. They forget to breathe...yeah simply take a deep breathe and remember that breathe alone was a blessing because the other option would be for me to be dead. I am a girl with her glass half full, not half empty. I force myself to find happiness in the bleakest of situations. I want to be remembered as being fun, happy, being full of laughter and knowing how to have a good time thru my hard times. Negativity won't allow for that, it robs us of our sunshine. UGH!! My life without sunshine, wouldn't be much of a life to me. My quality of life is directly proportional to my sunshine. HA! It would be dull without the sunshine. I choose sunshine over the darkness anytime. I will look for the light when I am in the darkness...it's there always (the silver lining), I just have to choose to look for it. Sometimes I will have to look harder and really search for it.

I'm gonna take a deeeeeep breath and remember and feel the SUNSHINE. Tomorrow is a new day with great possibilities...but today isn't over yet either. :)

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