
The REAL Mommy

My kids always say the craziest things. It makes life really interesting. For example, when the Chihuahuas are shivering (which the breed is known for)...the kids say they are on VIBRATE. HA! too funny. Logan was given some hand-me-down clothes the other day and he said "Woohoo, I have NEW clothes...Certified, Preowned". LOL.

But then there's the times when what they say makes your heart melt into a thousand warmed up pieces. KateLin was asking Kadee about her pregnancy the other day. Kadee is KateLin's Aunt and she is expecting a little boy. We are all really excited. But as you can imagine there are questions with her being five now about her own birth. She wanted to know if she came from my tummy, like Kadee's baby is coming from her tummy. Kadee being KateLin namesake and meantor in adoption explained it perfectly to her, of course. She told her that she didn't come from my tummy, she was born in my heart. She went onto explain that she had a Birth Mommy in China that gave birth to her. KateLin said 'NO! Those were my Nannies', I came from my REAL Mommies tummy. She was refering to me of course. Nice to know I'm the REAL Mommy. LOL. Kadee explained it again and told her with adoption you come from a different Mommies tummy. KateLin was still adamant that I was her REAL Mommy. I was good with that, of course. :)) We will continue to help her understand, but it's calming to know she is attached and knows she belongs to me...cause I'm her REAL Mommy.

My first born, just turned twelve last week! Wow, seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital...all 10lbs. 2 ozs. and 24 ins. long. I know, Logan was basically a toddler from day one. He still is growing faster than I can keep him in clothes. His foot is bigger than his Dad's. He is starting to get interested in girls. OMG!!! Help me, please. Should he not still be in diapers. What in the world.?? I think I blinked and missed 12 years. We are so proud of him. He is an avid reader and loves interesting facts about almost anything. He memorizes the facts for Fun! He gets called little Lance by his teachers that knew his Dad growing up. He really is so much like his Dad. I think he gets his funny side from me...but the rest is clearly...JUST LIKE LANCE!! HA!

The REAL Mommy to Four. ;))


  1. I loved reading this post because we just went through the same thing with Maddy. My DIL just had our 5th grandchild in May. Maddy was obsessed with saying "when I was in your tummy" I kept explaining that she wasn't in my tummy and that we went ALL THE WAY to china on a BIG airplane to bring her home. She seemed ok to start telling people this. Then, she started in with "I did this or that when I was a baby", Of course, I have no real idea what she did as a baby because she was 2 when we adopted her. One day she came home from her daycare and asked me who her real mommy was. I looked at her kinda of quizzically I guess and repeated the question. Her response was.. "Never mind, I'm just kidding". This is always her response when she doesn't understand something. I'm thinking one of the older kids at daycare/latchkey must have made a comment to her that I wasn't her "real" mom otherwise how would she know to call me that. We know she is very , very attached but I'm glad to hear someone else Maddy's age is going through the same feelings!

  2. ps.. how do you get your blog posts to show up on your facebook?
