
Growing & Sharing

Through our adoption processes I use to blog alot. I got out of the habit and I can tell it in my everyday outlook. I tend to post only positive things here, but truthful things. It forced me to figure out the good in every bad situation. Lately, life has me bogged down in not looking so hard for the silver lining in the bad stuff. This lead me here...to blog. It's a type of therapy for me. Getting my thoughts down on the page, whether anyone reads them or not. It helps me. I think that sometimes other's find solace in knowing your life isn't perfect, that you experience good and bad days, just like the next person. To me...true success is weathering a storm, finding the silver lining in the greyest of clouds in said storm, and coming through the experience changed but not reduced by it. If you can learn from bad things, and grow as an individual then maybe you've learned exactly what God was trying to teach you. He is always molding our character and shaping us into the people He wants us to become.

The most inspirational stories are of people who have shared where they've been and how far they've come during their storm's of life. The little girl that had cancer that instead of asking for a wish from the Make A Wish** Foundation, she asked for everyone else's wish to come true. The Dad that tells about his child's fight from Cancer and the battle that's ongoing....to the other Dad that his child has just been diagnosed. The stories provide strength to others, encouraging them to keep moving through, because there's hope, always hope. I used to be a person that would share, somewhere in the craziness of life, I lost that part of me. The passion subsided in sharing my story of adoption. I still post blurbs regularly about adoption...but nothing is more powerful than my story. I have to figure out how to rekindle that passion for life, for other's. You never know who might be reading this and who might be inspired to share their story.


  1. Great post! I know a lot of times it helps me just to put the words down.

  2. Hey Babe,
    Great to see you bloggin' again! Love it!! I enjoy reading your blogs and gaining your insight on a given situation. Can't wait to read sum more!
    Love ya,
