
Did She Love Me?

I often think about my girl's Birth Parents. I cherish them for the gift they have given to me. My girl's stories are so very different, in that Caragan knew her parents and they are deceased, however KateLin has so many pieces to her life puzzle that she will never fully know. I have never revealed the details because these are her private notes of her life while still in China. I will say that she resided at the orphanage from birth and that she was left to be found. I don't like the term abandoned because it implies that her birth parents didn't want her to be found. In my mind after carrying two full term babies for 10 months in my own womb...that is just impossible for me to fathom. I think any woman that carries a baby inside of her, feeling them kick and hiccup and grow...would have to love the little miracle. After all, they also made the choice to give the child life, while they could have aborted the pregnancy. I am thankful that KateLin's Mom chose to give her life and loved her enough to give birth to her. In years to come I am sure she will asked me this question: Did my Birth Mom love me? I will tell her that I can say without a doubt that she must've because she chose to give her life. She chose to give her up when she couldn't care for her, she loved her enough to leave her so she would be found. I will tell that I can't imagine anyone not loving her. I will tell that I don't know why she had to give her up and I will help her ponder all the possible realities. That maybe she couldn't afford to care for her medical needs, that maybe she already had a child, be it boy or girl. I will help her deal with the fact that she might have been given up just because she was a girl. I won't sugar coat all the hard stuff. I will be here to love her through it all. I will give her comfort when the reality is harsh, I will wipe the tears for the parents she may never know, I will mourn the loss that her parents surely must feel. I will help her focus on all that she does have instead of all the stuff she doesn't have. Most of all I will remind her that she has family here that loves her regardless of her beginnings, that loved her enough to come all the way to China to bring her home. Family that prayed for her countless nights until we could be together forever. Somehow, I just know that wrapping her up in this Moma's love will make it all better. Whatever, I can't help with...she has a cousin and an Aunt that understands it all better than me and will help fill in the gaps. Love conquers many hurts!...it leaps fences and climbs mountains and will heal the heart of a girl that has lost and has found.


  1. Not much else to say about this because you've said it all! Great writing Hope! Now that I'm carrying my own little one I can say with even more confidence than before...YES, our birth moms loved us tremendously and put our needs and feelings before her own.

    KateLin & Caragan,
    I am ALWAYS here for you...day or night...if you ever want to talk about how you're feeling! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

  2. Yes! Very well said on both accounts! Both of you are some amazing ladies and I love all 4 of my girls very, very much!

  3. Wow, you are very insightful! I know all about wondering where I came from and asking myself why my birth mother didn't want me. I've never found any answers either. You are the perfect mommy for your children because you've already thought of how to address their concerns!
