
What's IN a BIRTH...Day!

Stop and think about all your birthdays past...chances are they were filled with parties, presents, family, friends and just fun times. Birth...days were always really special days in my family. Every single year without fail my Mom stops everything to call and sing Happy Birthday to me. Even if I was off at college or away on business in Texas...she still called. My Senior Prom was my 18th birthday....my mom sent a cake so I could have an extra special celebration with my friends that night.

Now think about if you had never had a birthday party, ever....! And had never celebrated each year of your life as you grew older. China doesn't celebrate birthdays like we do. The culture is different in that they celebrate Chinese New Year each year and automatically run their age ahead a year. They make a big deal out of the 61st birthday for age and wisdom. Caragan will have her first birthday party tomorrow. You read that right...It will be her first birthday party. She is excited!! to make an understatement. She has been counting down the days until her special day. Now she's counting down the hours. I love her enthusiasm over what we take forgranted. I hope she has a big turn out with people that will love to see her blossom into a wonderful young lady. Tomorrow I get the priviledge of watching her amazement as she's made to feel special, getting lavished with presents, and adorations. Everyone deserves this kind of birthday each and every year. She is embracing her new cultural traditions as we learn about China. I won't say our traditions are better here in America, but I'm excited that she has a newness that she really likes in her life.
Caragan will have her 1st birthday with us tomorrow and I can't wait to experience it with her. I hope she dances and laughs and has at least 80 more with us in the years to come. May this be the first of many, many happy birthdays for her.

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