
Happy 4th Y'all!

Ready for a weekend away with the family! We will retreat to the coast for a weekend of fun and festivities, celebrating the 4th of July and my baby girl's 5th birthday. That's right, KateLin turns 5 next week. All my kids, collectively growing up too fast, makes me a lil sad...but for some reason, KateLin getting to 5 is a sudden relief. When you have four, you are allowed to be fickle, just saying! LOL. Looking forward to her moving into more independence. Lately we banter back and forth...she is a lil pistol. HA! She is really smart..! I'll ask her, KateLin...'what are you waiting on', as she pokes along at her own pace. She always says, 'a sister and brother from China'. Silly me! Trying to reason with a 4. 95 year old. She knows I hate to wait...and knows that the longest, trying wait for me was waiting on her and her sister....essentially waiting on China. With that said....NO! NO! NO! we are NOT headed back to China again for two more. She pulls on my heartstrings admittedly with her response...and I've even heard it a dozen or more times...everytime, she gets me! I have my plate really full with FOUR! No doubt, we are done! Plus, I am finally working my way back to getting everyone taking their own baths. HA! She just fits as the baby, cause she is super Spoiled ROTTEN! Caragan is adamant about not wanting anymore siblings. Ha! Yep, she has a vote too! I agree with her, so the baby factory is closed on all counts at our house.

Thinking about taking the kids to a waterpark next week, while at the beach. This will be Caragan's and KateLin's first Waterpark experience. Can't wait to see how they like it! Caragan was really astounded by the size of the colliseum last weekend at Forward Conference. She was amazed to see that many people in one arena. The concerts where booming, she really enjoyed herself.

Logan, Christian and KateLin sang with CandY Worship last Sunday at church. Christian had a part that he sang with another little girl. He made his Moma so proud. KateLin was singing out so loud and I could feel myself tearing up. I still stand amazed at how far she has come. My little introvert in China has blossomed and become Lil Miss Socialite, for sure. Love, affection, good food and just therapy for the neglected soul can do wonders for a person...and it certainly has her's. Logan did great too...but he knows he's aging out of Kiddie Choir and will be in the Bomb Squad come Fall.

I love all four of my kids, more than life itself! I don't know how I got so blessed X4....but I'm not complaining in the least. Life is chaotic, I get aggravated, but I wouldn't trade the chaos for quiet for a million bucks. Being a Mom is the greatest job in the world!

Happy 4th everyone! Be SAFE and HAVE FUN!!! :))

1 comment:

  1. Babe, you are amazing and you do the "Mom-thing" so very well. As much as you are blessed by your family, WE are blessed to call you "Mom!", wife and friend. Thanks for all that you do.
    Love you mean it!!
