
EXchange Student

My family looks different. We are biracial...and transcultural. Those are just two dollar words for my daughters are Asian and me and Lance are Caucasian. We belong to different races as well as originate from different cultures. My girls automatically stand out because they 'look' different. We are a conspicuous family. We get looks alot. That is an understatement. We get stares...and smiles and even lots of questions. The most recent question, completely innocent, of course was the other nite in a restaurant. The question was directed toward Caragan as she was trying to order her own supper. The person ask....if she was an exchange student. I just smiled as always and said NOPE...she's our's...just like the other three...I have 'papers' on her too. It was a legitimate question, but I had to laugh at the assumption. We often get "is she really your's"...and I always have a fast comeback prepared for that one too. As I touch one of the girls...I always say they are REAL...and I know I am....and I have proof at home that I'm the Moma...so yep, they are really mine!!! It is okay, really. I don't get offended by the inquiries at all. We actually had to take online classes to prepare for such. Believe it or not...our agency wanted us to know full well what type of questions, assumptions and even ignorance that we would encounter before we adopted our girls. I have to say this part of the process was a really good thing.


The little Things

Yesterday, my eldest son, Logan made a special request to his Dad while at Wal-mart to buy me some Haagen Dazs ice cream. It was completely his idea. He knows how much I love this brand of ice cream. The thought was totally sweet and caring...sooo thoughtful. I have to say....ESPECIALLY from Logan. I am not saying bad things about this child...he just usually is not the most compassionate of my four. He doesn't show random acts of kindness that come ol' so naturally to Christian. I try not to compare my boys or my girls...but I can't help but notice the differences in their personalities. It doesn't make either better than the other...just different. Christian....even at age three would go inside while we were outside putting up the pool and get himself a juice box....and manage to figure out a way to bring everyone else one back too. He is constantly being thoughtful and considerate. He never has to be reminded to go the extra mile to help other's and to just be kind. He is affectionate and loves to have affection. Logan is affectionate too, of course...he can't help to be with a Moma that lavishes him with kisses regularly. I always joke with them all about...come here and let me kiss your little lips. So much so that ...they sometimes run. LOL.

I watch Caragan who has none of the formative 'training' from our family, and she has that thoughtful side too. The little things can make a day so much brighter. Saying please and thank you and being kind will go so very far. She posted under my facebook status the other day: We love you Mommy! ~Wow!! That melted my heart.

Then today, Logan asked me what I was going to do for him since he was so nice to buy me ice cream yesterday. I looked at him and said, Son, is that really why you bought me ice cream...so that I would do something for you? He smile and said....NO, not really. I told him that alot of people are like that though. I told him to never do some random act of kindness for another 'just because you wanted something in return'. He said, Yeah, Mom...I know, but it would be cool if you wanted to. LOL. That would be my Logan. CraZy boy!! Many times what we do for other's isn't truly appreciated. We often take things that other's do for us forgranted. We forget to say Thanks, we forget to say I loved it....we forget to appreciate little things that truly bring us joy and happiness. I usually try to say Thank You ...but I can always do better. If someone goes out of their way to do something nice for you, you should always say Thank You. Just sayin! I am trying to teach my kids these little things that truly will bless a life. To me helping others is not optional....if you have been blessed to have a friend or family member, you should help them if at all possible, when they need you. If there's a stranger that you can help, you should do that to. I really believe we are the hands and feet of God, and we were created to help other's.