

Let me introduce ourselves...we are the Wallace's: Hope (that's me), Lance, Logan, Christian, KateLin and Caragan. We believe that love is the most important thing that you can show others. We believe in giving and that receiving the blessing for giving to other's is far more than any gift you could receive yourself. We share a genuine compassion for those around us.

This blog will be a place for me to journal our fun times, our accomplishments and our failures. We are unique in that we are both American and Chinese...in so many ways. We like celebrating that uniqueness and hope that you will celebrate that with us. Being a multiracial and multicultural family can have challenges but it can also be an amazing asset for us all. We get alot of stares and sometimes even rude questions. What you need to realize is that we believe that adoption is nothing short of a Miracle. We believe family has very little to do with the blood line and much more to do the heart line. Our boys look nothing alike, but were biologically born of my womb. My girls look alike and they were born of my heart. Go figure! Each ...is very much a child of my own!! We love them all unconditionally. Children sometimes come by plane and sometimes by hospital and each 'pregnancy' had it's uniques set of 'labor pains'. If you shared in our adoption journeys, you know my heartaches and pains during those wait times.

I love to write, even though I'm not great at it. I enjoy journaling/blogging as an outlet for myself. It's like a therapy to my soul. Getting my thoughts and feelings out on paper rather than in the day to day blow ups that can occur. They'll be tears and they'll be joys. Each really bless our lives in many different ways. We hope you'll follow along and realize that your own trials and tribulations will help you grow.


  1. Glad to see you over here. I got to be your first "follower", hee hee! Let me know if you need help with anything, I am no expert, but have been on blogger for over 3 years now!! WOW, time flies!!

  2. Welcome! I really enjoyed following along on your journey this last time. You are a wonderful writer!
